Net Zero Week and the new ESOS deadline: United for Energy Efficiency and Carbon Reduction in the UK

Net Zero Week

Net Zero Week is an annual campaign aimed at raising awareness and encouraging actions towards achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.This initiative involves various stakeholders, including businesses, government bodies, and individuals, to focus on sustainability practices, energy efficiency, and renewable energy adoption. The week typically features events, discussions, and publications on best practices, innovations, and policies that contribute to the net-zero goal.

ESOS (Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme)

ESOS is a mandatory energy assessment scheme for large organisations in the UK. It requires busineses to carry out energy audits every four years and identify cost-effective energy-saving measures.The scheme aims to help companies understand their energy usage and take actions to reduce it, thus contributing to broader environmental targets, including net-zero emissions.

ESOS Deadline

The deadline for ESOS Phase 3 is December 5, 2024, but businesses must submit their notification of compliance by 6 August 2024. By this date, qualifying organisations must have completed their energy assessments and identified energy-saving opportunities.This cycle’s deadline underscores the importance of continuous improvement in energy efficiency and aligns with the broader net-zero targets.

How Can Logical Utilities Help Businesses Streamline Energy Assessments and Identify Savings Opportunities?

We assist businesses with their ESOS obligations by offering specialised expertise and comprehensive support throughout the entire process.

Our fully certified ESOS Lead Assessor partners and inhouse energy procurement specialists conduct thorough energy assessments, ensuring accurate data collection and analysis. We can help identify cost-effective energy-saving opportunities tailored to your business’s unique needs, providing actionable recommendations to enhance energy efficiency.

Additionally, at Logical Utilities, we streamline the compliance process by managing documentation, ensuring timely report submissions, and keeping businesses informed about regulatory changes. By leveraging our industry knowledge and technical proficiency, we can enable your business to not only achieve ESOS compliance but also realise substantial energy cost savings and contribute to your sustainability goals.

Get in touch with Logical Utilities today to find out more!