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Commercial energy contracts explained: What are the differences between contract types and how choosing the right one for your business can improve your bottom line.
Unfortunately, there isn’t just one universal contract type that fits every single individual business in the UK. Businesses come in all different shapes and sizes, from small retail boutiques to factories mass-producing products on huge assembly lines. As a consequence, there are a vast number of different energy contracts out there to accommodate the differences in consumer demands.
The Logical Non-Commodity Report 2020 – What is non-commodity and how does it impact your business’ energy costs?
Non-commodity makes up around 60% of your business’ total energy costs, and 40% of your energy budget is made up of the commodity or wholesale energy, so the actual energy itself, depending on the market conditions of when you agreed your energy contracts. What is non-commodity? Non-commodity charges comprise of several costs including the cost to transport the energy to your site, energy losses through transportation, network charges, government levies such as CCL, environmental taxes and much more.
How can your business benefit from monitoring its’ supply capacity, and avoid excessive energy bills?
Every half hourly metered site within the UK has a supply capacity, which is set by the Distribution Network Operator (DNO) based on the agreed capacity reserved for each location. Your business’ agreed supply capacity is the amount of electricity your DNO must make available for each of your half hourly metered sites. Your business agrees the level of capacity that should be reserved for each of your half hourly meters with your DNO. You are able to change the agreed level; however, this can only be done once per year.